
Hi, I’m Josie and I’m just an average person with a hectic lifestyle who often eats too much junk and processed foods.  But I aspire to do better.  Although you can’t always tell by looking at my shopping cart or my takeout choices, I believe in eating more fruit and veg and whole grains, less meat, organic whenever possible, and minimally processed.  Michael Pollan is my hero.  I live in the breathtaking San Francisco Bay Area, surrounded by some of the best food in the world.  The place is lousy with farmers markets, gourmet and ethnic shops, and exciting restaurants helmed by “locavores.”  So, I really have no excuse.  And yet, I let my busy lifestyle and taste buds that have been conditioned by a lifetime of following a Standard American Diet get the better of me all too often.  So, I decided to do something about it.  I decided to change my habits and chronicle my efforts in this blog.  Why?  Because I enjoy food and blogs and while there are tons of food blogs out there, I haven’t yet discovered one that has quite the same focus.  So I thought I’d fill the gap, keep myself honest, and have some fun in the process. 

What will this blog contain?  There will be recipes from time to time, if I find something that I think is particularly worth sharing.  But I’m not a chef and don’t pretend to be.  I’m a better than average cook who’s more of a recipe follower than creator.  Though who knows, with more practice, maybe I’ll develop my culinary spontaneity.  I’m also not a nutrition expert, so I’m not going to be giving health advice.  I have opinions and I may share those, along with stories or other info that piques my interest.  But my opinions are mine and mine alone.  Should anyone else gain knowledge or inspiration by observing my efforts, that’d be awesome.  But eating is a very personal choice and I’m not trying to convert anyone to something they don’t want to do.

Rather, this is just meant to be about my experience trying to go from average person eating a SAD diet most of the time to one who eats a much more nutritious diet most of the time, while balancing all the challenges of every day life.  You know the ones, they include long work hours, budgetary constraints, and sometimes plain old lack of desire, just to name a few.  In other words, this is about me trying to eat real food in the real world.    

So, thanks for stopping by and let’s see if I can do this.